Adizes Methodology Webinar
November 29, 2023
09:00 AM - New York
7:30 PM - India
Webinar Program
  • Success Formula
    • How to succeed in the face of rapid change?
    • Where to get the energy for change?
    • Mutual Trust and Respect
    • Organizational culture
  • Company Life Cycle Management
    • The laws of Organizational development
    • Causes of aging and death of companies
    • Typical "diseases" of growing and maturing organizations
  • Change management process in the company
    • Correct sequence of change management
    • Alignment of management system elements
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Shoham Adizes
Shoham Adizes is a Senior Associate at the Adizes Institute. He has been heavily involved with the recruitment, training and development of the many Adizes offices around the world. He has written countless articles and papers on various subjects related to management and he designed many of the training offered by the Adizes Institute. Having studied at the University of Colorado, Boulder and Oxford University, U. K., Shoham graduated in 1999 with a B. S. in Business. In 2014, Shoham wrote and published the highly acclaimed book, Empowering Meetings: A how-to guide for any organization, which provides a basic introduction to the Adizes approach to running meetings. Shoham regularly presents advanced concepts of the Adizes Methodology to executives and CEOs around the world and continues to provide organizational transformation services to many major organizations, both for profit and not-for-profit. Shoham is a native English speaker
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